Privacy Policy

At AAA Tax Agent Services, we prioritize the privacy of our visitors first. This privacy policy contains the details of the information we collect from our visitors and how we use it.

This privacy policy applies to all online activities and is valid for visitors to our website and every information they share and is collected by us. This policy does not affect any information collected through other sources like offline channels or other websites.


By using our website, you now agree to our privacy policies and our terms.

Information We Collect

Any data we collect would be collected after explaining to you the reason for collecting that information and its use. This information will include personal information as well.

Any data we collect would be collected after explaining to you the reason for collecting that information and its use. This information will include personal information as well.

Another case where we will collect information from you is when you register for an account. At that time, we will require your contact information, including your name, company name, address, email address, and telephone number.

How We Use Your Information

We use our users’ information for the following purposes:

Log Files

We at AAA Tax Agent Services follow standard procedures while using log files. These log files are for logging the visitor while they visit our website. Now, the information collected by these log files includes Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, Internet Services Provider (ISP), date and time stamp, referring/exit pages, and possibly the number of clicks.

Now, this information does not represent you as a person, hence does not fall under the category of personal information. This information aims to analyze the trends, administer the website, track users' movement on the website, and gather demographic information.

Advertising Partners Privacy Policy

These privacy policies include the policies of the advertising partners of AAA Tax Agent Services.

The third-party ad servers use technologies like cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons in their advertisements and redirecting links that appear on AAA Tax Agents Services website, which is sent directly to the users' website.

These technologies have no effects and access to your data which is stored with us or the data you might enter while you are on the website.

Advertisers use these to measure their ad campaigns' effectiveness and personalize the ad content for every user.

Also, AAA Tax Agent Services has no access to or control over the cookies used by third-party advertisers.

In all ways, your information is safe with us, as we use secured hosting servers that protect your data against cyber attacks.